Anne Clarke Garcia-Romerox

2023: Imbolc

Liminal Prayer to Brigid/Brígida

From limen/meaning threshold/liminal/characterized by being on a boundary or threshold,

especially by being transitional or intermediate between two states, situations, et cetera

Crossing the threshold between winter and spring/death and life/past and future?

And Brigid/Brígida goddess/diosa/santa/saint worshipped by babies, blacksmiths, boatmen,

cattle farmers, midwives, poets, sailors, scholars and travelers

The goddess born with a flame in her head/drinking mystical bovine milk from the spirit world

The saint suckled on a white cow with red ears/fed the poor/prayed to erase her beauty to remain

chaste/founded a monastery then an art school

Brigid/Brígida, am I on the threshold between two cultures/ages/epocas/momentos?

What boundaries/fronteras might I cross?

What sustenance might I find in the animal/spirit world?

Might monastic/introverted existence give way to dazzling/extroverted aventuras?

Or will it all be the same/full/empty/surface/depth?

Might I travel to Enniskillen/Derrylurgan/land of mustachioed great grandfather Clarke/who died

one hundred and six years ago/at the age of fifty-eight/after he sailed to New York/fathered six

sturdy sons and seven hearty daughters/while working at the Waldorf Astoria?

Might I travel to Sedaví/Valencia/land of bis abuelo Romero/painter of illustrious mustachioed

men/who died one hundred and three years ago today/1 de febrero/at the age of fifty-three/

fathered three glamorous daughters that sang opera and traveled to Latin America marrying in

México/Costa Rica and living in la Ciudad de México/la Habana/Madrid?

Brigid/Brígida, please pray for me/por favor reza para mi, that I might travel through

imminent/uncertain/mysterious liminalities with suficiente grace, coraje and hope.