rae diamond

2022: eclipse-to-eclipse spring

Here's one recording from the past couple weeks, a bit rough still. It's as much of a meditation to listen to as it is to sing it. If folks don't like the slow and muddy beginning, it might be worth skipping ahead to the middle to hear where things are more open and changing.

rae diamond

2024: 100 thousand praises

Instrumentation: sho & voice

This music praises through 100 vocalizations total of five aspects of nature that feel sacred to me - rain, dawn, moonlight, rest, and void. The more commonly the experience of each natural phenomenon occurs on Earth, the more often it is repeated - so there are 100 praises total added up from 32 praises of rain, 16 praises of rest, etc.

The vocal section of this music takes place within 100 beats counted at an increasingly slower rate, while the sho tracks pulsate at their own rates that intertwine throughout the music at fairly constant rates. Each phenomena praised possesses its own meter, adding more layers of repetition that weave in and out of unpredictable junctures, pauses and blends. The overall effect is a soundscape in which everything is constantly shifting while conveying persistence and constancy.

Thank you again! Sending good wishes to you,

rae diamond

2023: Imbolc

flying rhizomes

rip out your roots

cross mountains


in a land of closed doors

wait for one to open

go inside

a dark space


a place no one
would choose but was chosen

for you alone

watch the sky
see stars

come and go behind


disappear in diffusion

of sunlight

windstirred spindletrunks

of trees circumscribe

invisible circles in air

circles of sky that fall

to the earth

weave unseen

rings into

a ship the shape and

color of wind
set sail on slipstreams

of owlsong in unlit

hours know not

how you will land