Daria Miyeko Marinelli

2024: 100 thousand praises

Starting late as always
In the fall times
Wondering about you
I dreamed about you
That you
That we were both on planes
That crossed in the air
And then I was in your city and you were in mine
What if you and you and I am me
But instead of cities I am talking about hearts
Sky crossed til the end
But to stand in Madison Square Park and look up
Or along the Thames and breathe in the
How can you not be grateful for a moment, a person, a time in a city ?

Thank you for the mornings
Crumpled sheets
Floor to ceiling windows
Overlooking the pocked patchworked city we loved Overlooking the day
Looking Over to you
You made me feel so good in myself
Now i have shared things with my spouse that i hate But with you i loved every part of who i was
You can’t take anything back
But what is it to be grateful for that
And loved all the ways in any way for it instead


after a conversation with ryan thank you i did not need this at 10am but thank you

In praise of praise
In praise of feedback
Of raising our voices in the WHAT THEN And feeling guilty for it
But men who talk angrily
I meet their volume
But it exhausts me
In praise of praise
Just tart with a sandwich
Let’s break bread together
Tell me a nice thing before you launch in I am easily tricked and thin of skin
But thank you for caring
For feeling

For humaning
I run deep into the night with you
Why do i keep coming back to this desert Because also it is where I
And i suspect you
Feel free


after reading about values self acceptance and adulting

To be adult is to accept it is difficult To do the difficult thing
To do it because
On principle

It is good
Grateful for self-help on the internet Grateful for therapy
Grateful for the realization
I am not special
I am not a main character
Bruised battered
Of course i was never your main character But i was mine
But to not be perfect
Just another human in this big big work Trying to figure it out
Propagating plants
Trying to find homes in basins
I think we can do it
Let’s see


After staring at a plant

Grateful to not hear
In praise of not hearing plants scream In praise of their patience
Their willingness to wither
Their steadiness towards light
Their desire to grow
They forgive you your failures
Another seed heading to the light
If not this one
The despair of having killed something And the quiet hope
The quiet knowing
That yet again
It will come


After a dockweiler bonfire

In praise of friends gathering around fire Like our ancestors used to do
Like we still know how to do
Gathering and pulling together

Seeing how it feels Seeing how we are On and on

Telling stories
Thinking of going to war Being in love with each other Being warmed by the flames

So much less to say about it When we just do it
PUlling together
And saying now

Here we are
Come closer and be here


After ice tea in the hot days

Grateful to enter a place Be welcome to a place

A friendly face
Looking the way they want me to look
Being the way that feels safe
I hate these systems
But they hold me
They cradle me
What is it to be grateful for something that you also passionately want to destroy ?


In praise of differences

Forgive me the days that do not go perfectly Curling up next to failure like a quiet dog Doing the best i can i whisper
Every day a new day

I want a prize for the menial tasks I do I want your love and admiration
Doing things for me
Things quiet and clear

Things bold and salient Take a walk

Go outside
Let water pour through your hands All words all words
But the soft animal body calls to me Doing the best we can


To the moments of grace

Calling dad not walking to talk to him But doing the best i can
Being present even when sad Listening to the sadness

Listening to the brain
It could be different
If we
Who has the most fun wins I wonder if it’s that simple

I wonder if we just lean towards joy A new value
A new value
No glory in the grind


To the birds singing this morning

Wondering if you are like that every morning In new homes
In new quiet ways
Perhaps they don’t have rehearsal at 8am She says i’m going to step away

Curious what that means The house still awakening Doing things you can
In praise of no internet Perhaps it’s better Holding time

Staying warm best we can On the edge
The hill fo a place
This place between places Thinkking

When you sink into the now of the moment It doesn’t make much sense
It just is


Bocce court

Playing games requires a vulnerability

Being willing to lose invites people in To play
With you
And then we all win


Not sitting in the back

Its bad back here
It smells
There are loud annoying kids
I can see everyone’s TVs and their taste in tv is Horrifying
I am grateful
Let me praise
Let me celebrate randomness
Of knowing how much it can suck
ANd not getting placed back here every time Thank you to the world that lets me feel
That lets me know how bad it can be
That celebrates
Supports me in joy most of the time
And that gets me safely home
To you


In praise of my nose

Thank you oh nose
For smelling things
Even when they are bad things
Even when they are things I would prefer not to Smell
Thank you for helping me know
For helping me understand
Survive all the years
All the times
I’m not quite sure what about it
But it thank you
Thank you for the pisses and pees
The birds and the bees
My mother’s perfume
My father’s cooking
Returning home to you
The smell of our cat fur
Nuzzling to me
Bread baking
It could be so much worse in the absence Thank you even for the bad


In praise of coming to the theater

Leaning over and seeing across the aisle Friend from a decade
You’re still doing this
Mee too

Sharing our successes
Rare but heartening
And the long quiets in between
Of living and being human
Of working and doing the best we can Making choices
Wanting things
Waiting things
Bit by bit making the way through it all Raining outside
Broken up umbrellas
Just reporting on what I see
Dignity is just
Trying not to judge
And instead love
Judging using the head
Loving using the heart
A smile across the bus window
We have so little to offer each other but But
Yeah i’m as well
Me too
The show’s about to start
And we go back


In praise of exhaustion

Letting me know when it is enough When I can do no more
When I have done enough Whatever that is

The patience The lack of worry Calm ness Steadiness

Not working too hard
This is enough because it is all we have And that is good to fine


In praise of exterior validation

Take that google knowledge panel And
Make it yours
Be on the internet

Internet famous
Feeling better
Feeling seen
Feeling real
But and
I’m here now
I’m here

In praise of heartache
Taking in it
Taking it in
How lovely to not feel like this all of the time
Missing the moment of the
Light shining through the grass
Missing the moment of you
Missing it all
It could all be so perfect
Trying to hold the world or just trying to understand it I wake up and feel like a thousand pieces on the floor Feel like i’m falling apart
Two weeks past peak
What does that even mean
Who am I even
Eat it al
Eat it all now
Like filling with food could fix this
Witnessing it all
Taking notes
How exquisite
How exquisite it is
And you here now
This year the
This here the now
Again and again
Put me in an island in a little boat
Let me feel the waves lapping against the shore
That is how my heart feels these days
Wanting to be on land
Lapping lapping lapping


In praise of my mother

For her grace
Her quiet
Her fortitude
Her going on and on
Telling tragic stories about her
But realizing she is strong Organized
The things I Don't like her
I don’t like in myself
On and on
But grateful for her
Proud of her
I am of her stock
On the spiritual level I want to go on


In praise of making a decision

And the other options falling away Flying through the air
This is what we’re doing right now Seeing the things

Being the things we are doing And not worrying about the rest Not worrying about the the rest Periods of time

When I am clear I am with myself
And when I am clear I am with all of you Stopping being afraid of what they say How you are

And instead just being Deciding that


In praise of airplanes

Let me get quick there
And quick here
Tilting into the sun
Gliding over the country
All I have to say is what a big wild world And how grateful I am to get to travel it


In praise of bodies

Doing what they can
Doing what they do
Carrying you
Making you okay
Pushing through
Doing all the things
Bodies doing bodies
And then they fall apart afterwards But at least they carried you

Held you
So grateful for that


In praise of Thursdays

Like the other days
But close to something
Both a sense of hope and a sense of accomplishment Enough has been done
Even if the coffee tastes weird
And there are piles pile of clothing everywhere Something has been done
We have made a little fox den in this kingdom
We have made something ours


In praise of days where it fall falls fall all falls apart

The hand trying to type all
Just typing fall
As the weather gets cold crisp
I forget who I am
Who you are
Who we could be to each other
My skin slides off my bones which detach And I am just a quivering mass of
I don’t even know
The agenda
The phone
The tele pathetic inquiries
The wishing and waiting
Taking heat taking stride and going


In Praise of mondays

Mon days the day of the sun lune The moon
Waking up late
Staying up early

The words are garbled today

The moon day is a bit of a
Does the day only come to light in the dark I wonder
But starting the week and just hoping Trusting
Thinking about the good that waits


In praise of skipping a day


In praise of wit

The sneaking up of knowing
How words become themselves
How love becomes itself
The sneak of a smile crossing the synaptic gap I get it
I get you
Now what


In praise of clarity

Sometimes the no
Comes so quickly
All you can do is be grateful


In praise of typos

Let me show my humanity to you My fast mistakes
My wit failed
Take me as I am

Moving fast
But wanting to see you
Forgive the text that reveals that I am human like you Just reaching across
A bruised hand saying


In praise of vaccines

Achy and in pain

Doing the thing we’re trying to avoid
A reminder of how much worse it can be Waiting for the mail order credit card to come Waiting for the sickness to fade
All the time
It could be
It could be so much worse
Thank you


In praise of challenges

Thank you for letting me get the volume up Thank you for raising my blood pressure Telling the things saying the things
Thank you for offering gristle and push Against it all

Making me stronger
Making me not afraid
Getting things and goin places It’s such a big world out there Why not


In praise of surprises

Your hands supple soft
The globes of body
Take me somewhere else
It’s the middle of the night And we’re both awake
Like twenty somethings FInding each other in the dark Why not here we are



In praise of haircuts

Let this be short
Let me be myself again
A little wild
Never paying someone
Taming my own hair
Making a mane
Being willing running my hands through it
All of it just mine now
Once you’ve been ugly you don’t care what they think


In praise of milestones

COming together
Saying a prayer
In the form of a surprise
It’s friendsgiving
You’re 40
Did it sneak up on you
Did we
We want to know these things But for now
There’s cake
There’s cake
Let’s eat it now -
And celebrate you
You’ve gotten this far
Here’s to all the fun ahead


In praise of subtlety

I tell the British man that an old worker is a lover of mine No that a colleague of his is an old lover of mine
I say to the british man
Who was also a lover to me

Lots of british
And he pauses a moment and says
So this was the guy
And i say hes
And he says
Great if i see him
I'll say I believe we have a friend in common And like that
I give him something
Or I give one of us something


In praise of thinking of you

And i feel a little warm
A little patter in my heart You come to my dreams
I don’t know where or why But you come
And this
I take the sash the robe And it slowly falls away


In praise of apologies

THunder clouds saying i’m sorry sometimes Surprise
Old dogs earring new tricks
Finding it within ourselves to change

And acknowledge that sometimes It was too much

How can I be me without stepping on you I don’t know but let’s
Let’s find out together


In praise of praise

Mashed potatoes
Turkey cranberry corn stuffing with all the meats and cheeses Yams brussel sprouts

A rainbow of colors plates Hungry
Gorging ourselves
For harvest

For the bounty before the winter times Watching the clouds come up off the mountain Thinking of the days
When we were warm
Hunkering down
But before we do
We feast


In praise of mass transit

Hundreds of people
One train
All our dreams
Hurtling through space
The rolling hills
Passing by the pickups
None of these words
These thoughts are new
But to even catch them for a moment Waves in a glass bottle

We are together here
You and I
And isn’t that something to praise


In praise of not knowing

Will anyone read this
Is it good
Will I read anyone else's

Or is it just the doing The practice of praising Of putting into the world And that
That is enough?


In praise of over talking

Beautiful shots
Moments alone
The light coming in from the window
When do we just say the thing
ANd when is painting it too much
When have I been clear
And when have I not been enough
The kindness of which you hold me
The wrinkles in your hands
I wish I had been better
But I just hold you and we look around at the glory


In praise of notepads

Tell me just write it all down
Afraid that someone else is doing this
Afraid that someone else is
Well what if that were just part of it
The fear
Your fear
What if it were all
When I can help you finally recognize your excellence perhaps you will be more forgiving on the world
Demanding so much from the reset of us isn’t just unfair
It’s inhumane
The only point of all of this is to live


In praise of small men who shout a lot

Very little praise
But a quiet sympathy
For how under it all they feel
How rude they are
I am not interested in that
We gently show them the door
No need to poison
They have it in themselves already \


In praise of small humans

So grateful for the door
The ability to walk away
The ability to bounce you on my knee
Your joyous smile that is exactly you and your parents And the ability to let you not be mine
Do I
Do I
Do I want
What is the world that happens so perfectly for humans Where they can do all the things
(is this true)
Well even if it is
It isn’t my world
And here we are
You glorious living miracle
That I will never have


In praise of saying hello

Years ago now
Catching each other in the line Saying hello and it being enough To snag you
Curious open
Mysterious and sexy
Seeing each other and wanting it Wanting you
And now in the days after Having
Making fun of it
Drenched joyous laughing
Still thinking now
Of the first moment
And all that has followed


In praise of dreaming

Small moments of
Staring out the window
Of you about you
Your smile and charm The look
We’re all adults now
But crushes still stay
To think is to raise
To give voice to a moment And just hold it

Hold it Just so


In praise of backwards

That sticks on you
Unsure which was it was
How it was or why it is
The people you talk to most
And the ones who show up
But slip away
Joy when you see them
What is friendship really
Just reaching out a hand and saying Hello


In praise of

Coffee in the cup
Quiet days
Better writers than i
People who win things
People who lose
Sheeple who win things
People who take to the long highway and say fuck that Rough as the granite

Coarse as time Coffee better
Tell me now
Let me go to the land Let this all be


The quiet days

The humidifier hums
The cat finds her spot on he new bed We are awakening
We are finding ourselves anew
So much will be lost
But to know the secret
There’s still oh so much
To gain


The In the pursuit of MOndays An opportunity to start again Taking a breath

Held back by the sun Warm warm warm Thinking of the things Listening

Being in the world Take me out
I hate being here What can it be again What can it be now


In praise of new old conversations

The joy of coming back to you We knew each other when Ew knew each other as
And now

Look at you
The excitement of Of

Remembering moving forward What not
Curious and always so curious


In praise of

The door open
The cat outside
Quiet quiet
Being proud of what we have done Being joyous and mischievous Just



In praise of coming back together

She is careful
So am I
We talk about easy things Quiet things

Finding each other
The like of each other
The warmth of our animal bodie Sniffing each other’s butts Saying yes

I want to be friends
I’m going to forget about the scars
And how do you like it there
It’s quite nice thank you
And we stay in pleasantries because we love each other


In praise of quiet

Thinking of the things that just Sit there
Quiet like a
And the

You just We just Hold me And it is is And it is is Good again


On quiet moments

Riding down the subway with you Looking at all the people
Sharing songs

Taking turns
Just being with it all
Reveling in you
With me
Reveling in us in this
Playing a song for you playing a song for me Our anthems
Our mythologies
This now part of it too


In praise of my mother coming in and sharing her heart and telling me everything and me listening
And then we hug


In praise of a good night's sleep

Feeling the rising action The note of goodnist Benign a better self again Being better again Buying the shoes I want Feeling sexy again

If not today

Going to sleep
COming back
And being better about it all


In praise of the

Thinking of
Even in moments

A lady on the pillowcase in the morning No one knows and


In praise of baking cookies

WOuld I leave my husband for the smell of butter Browning
Take me home
Take me to pounding marble steps
Grand Central Station
Bread & butter
Pumping it out
I would stop
I would pay $8 I don’t have just for that
A second longer


In praise of tomorrow

Today brief
Waking up
Grateful for another go Thank you


In praise of writing

And letting things come to you
Thinking of the position you put yourself in
I don’t want to be waiting for you
I don’t want to
And I just wait
And he makes the door and walks through it Grateful grateful
The gentle caring of letting things be easy


In praise of EV chargers

Fill me up
Charge me
Save the Planet
It’s enough all at once Sitting here with Dad
Just a few more moments To Enjoy


In praise of

Leaving your name out o the record Quiet and calm
The boil under the water

The rage just below
They never saw us
They never knew us
THis is what it means to be Italian AMerican But we were here

Constant companions Constant constant constant


In Praise of Exhaustion

Coming home to you
TO rest
It being okay to be tired
It being okay to be
Letting the body come down in the winter Letting the slowness sit in your bones Soft quiet
We’re here now


In Praise of the Quiet Ways We Say WE Love You

Not going to the movies when you’re visiting Buying your favorite
Being quiet
Being calm

Just smiling across the room
Making sense of things is keeping focus Just listening
Getting the cookies I like
There’s so many
So many ways about it
What if we just assume it’s all good


In Praise of Tagging Yourself in All Your IG Photos Because You are Finally Proud of Yourself

It’s a lot of scrolling
I won’t lie
But looking back and being prouder of yourself Perhaps I should have been a little vein Perhaps I should have taken a little more proud Never having seen my face shape
I thought it wasn’t
But it was
It is
Revel it in now
Nothing to do of the past


In Praise of Ends in Sight

Thinking of all the good things All The quiet things
A cat jumping around the closet Waiting to find out

There are so many ways to see ourselves Which one would we like
Quiet the ladybug creeps across the sink May her journey be good


Grateful for

But it’s in praise of
Not grateful for
In praise of gratitude
Keep me buoyant Give me something to believe in Where has the old watch band gone

We do not know
But where has the quiet time goes Ie we know that neither
BU ton and on
Grateful for the days
Grateful for the time together
On and on Push and push
Things fade
HOld it


In praise of accountants

Thank you for checking these numbers Thank you for seeing what happens
And making sure things come back together Thank you for checking the I’s the T’s dotted

SO when someone asks We have the answers You are so clear
You are so smart

You are so wise
I have no clue what your PDFs mean But I am grateful
That you can hold us
Tell us where its leaking
And perhaps help us be better again Perhaps


In praise of letting go

The moment where it feels like too much TOo tired
And you hold it lightly
And you let not that great be okay

This poem is that today
ANd onward
A crow sits big as my shoulders on the fence And I greet him
And we stare at each other


In Praise of Praise

Thank you for these moments Oh glory these moments Taking a beat to think
THe time sneaking by Feeling sexy at least

A moment to celebrate
Is what praise is
To see and be seen
To appreciate
Preciate and praise i imagine come together Clasping hands

Singing and laughing
I want to be like this with you


In Praise of Life

When a robin’s egg breaks so does my heart How cruel it can be
But then the grass grows again
These are all cliches

The mother elephant we left behind
The friend we wounded without even knowing the strength of our punch I could tell you a thousand times how beautiful you are
And I hope at least once you will believe me

I do not know how to tell you things anymore Except to say them
Plainly as is my face
The point of life is to love it

Imperfect flawed cruel as it can be Clenching and brittle
Laughing and crude Mean-spirited or kind

Like people in a rainshower
It could have been so much better But at least we are here


In Praise of Praise

Learning the difference between gratitude and praise Is the space between a whisper and a shout

Out out out it is good Yes yes is fab
TO shout it Unashamed unworried Free

TO love something
To celebrate it
To count it is as good
Praise yourself
Praise yourself and be joyous


In Praise of Silence

The whirring computer
THe little micro sounds
THe micro ways
My cats’ butt against a coffee machine The small ways we tempt fate

Court tragedy
Daring to be
TO live
She stretches outNudges it a bit The keyboard would definitely But for a moment

All is still
And I can hear her breathe


In PRaise of Heartbreak

Needing something to be sad to be nervous about And my brain goes to this
What if it didn’t

What if it just lived somewhere else instead I don’t know where it would live
Btu would like to live there
A little poem meaning nothing

All over the place
That is where I am today And perhaps that is okay


In Praise of Raisins

Former grapes
Tasty in muffins
A little something to remind us Even when the fullness is past THere is still joy yet
So sweet so quiet so small

In Praise of Antelope
animals i have never seen a memory they say the scallops are dying thank you to the survivors holding on there’s so little we can do now
but whatever we can do
what if we did it


In Praise of Thai Tea

Ecstatic caffeine you bring to me Silliness in a tea bag
From breaches far away
Seeing you

Naming you
Celebrating you
Thank you for starting this day
And making me brave enough to battle Mondays

In Praise of Electricity
DOing what we can to be
Light up
The thing that brings power across and through Here we are
this now
loving it
Being a little lazy
And knowing the current will carry us through

In Praise of Now
how lucky we are to get this
and now and now
I could keep counting the minutes but truthfully
I would rather see you smile


In Praise of Time

Reminding us of death
SLipping away
A nightgown caught in the door
Pulled through without ever seeing her face She grins
Too young for me I think
A moment we smile at each other and that’s Enough
I can’t fall in love with everyone
Trying to keep the ones I have and know


In Praise of Enough

The way it gets to you The way it gets you Tells you this is it This is enough

It is a way of feeling
A way of being
Enough is the stop sign The good enough sign THe joy sign

Take it
Hold it
And Saw this now Imperfect Inconsequential Small
This too is Enough


In Praise of the Quickie

Remind us of when we were young and passion was constant A stream
always wanting always desiring
holding things things

thinking the things
I don’t know what it is now
but I think of it
I think of you
the things they go
Sexy now ye
I couldn’t write a good poem I was too busy desiring you

In Praise of Endings
a way to let us
Thank you sometime for ending it for having clarity
for giving it the press of time
a container
Permission to stop
BUt successfully
I like that
I like that too
Let me make my own endings

in praise of steady friends

Coming back to them after you've been gone having it
holding it
KNowing what you are and what you need strong boundaries make it easy to know even when they’re

you’re messy
you’ve seen them a mess
across the years
where are our friends
here they are
open the door and let them into the home of our heart exactly as they are
exactly as we are

In Praise of Rain
slow us down
wet us
refill our quiet
this is short
dancing in you
being in you
running in you
all is god even this now

In Praise of TV Entertain me Enthuse me
Life me Up Joyous Joyous We can be here And be elsewhere And just be

In Praise of Heating
Making our insides warm
Powering on
Modern medicine
THere’s so much wrong with this world But there’s a little
Here’s a little system
that is right

In Praise of Theatre
Let us all gather
and breath
and see a thing
and feel something maybe and leave
going back out into the rain pushing up our umbrellas but just for a moment
it was there


In Praise of Friday
Liberate me from the week
my failures
my successes
give me hope
let me be free
we keep catipulting forward in time I just want to hold a day
and say

and is it it is

In Praise of Breathwork Taking me down
letting me calm
Letting me be centered
Just new and different
this cat clutching the netbook wanting to be warm
We all find our places to rest We all find our homes
Take me in
inhale and smile
this is the only moment we get

In Praise of Disappointment
Teach me the humor of it
THe gap between a six and seven the chastising of waiting too long on and on
no longer fresh
gotta write it
and keep writing
joy in being alive and the rest is just window dressing

In Praise of Valentine’s
A moment to be joyous
TO be love
to be surprised
But everyone
Make everyone your valentine
a potential valentine
Every moment a potential moment for love

In Praise of Endings
WHen it ends
we are allowed to start other things again
bit by bit
exploring and doing
the moment when we
when we
when we begin again
and it is clear again and who knows what awaits

In Praise of
all of it
on the inhale
the exhale
becoming a yogi becoming a
curious and hopeful
open and all
the sun hits the window sill and I too am

In Praise of Weekends
Coming back to sit on the desk
sit on my feet my hands myself
ALl the things that need doing
but here I am
calm because there was a beach and for a moment we were on it
and we were free

In Praise of Missives
Getting the reality of the world in words
1s and 0s
your life changing
bit by bit
it just
Letting it
and and and
if it all
all the any of the
the it of all
it comes to you
another ding and it

In Praise of Love

unbuttoning the bottom button
being calm but joyous
speaking quietly because you’re downstairs

the things I know
the things we say to each other quiet quiet
spelling things wrong
and forgiving me
the smile
the joy
it’s all these things
I couldn’t tell you all of them but they were here

In Praise of COnfidence
Knowing that the good is good and solid forever clear
KNowing it will come and go
and a little less today is
Is fine
on and on knowing you have it
so what is this
a shorter

In Praise of REalizing
Quiet quiet
Learning this once and again quiet quiet
seeing it now
I think
This is just it
THe days that turn into years Memories of you and I Whatever joy it is
Let’s why don’t we now
Just for a moment
Find joy

In Praise of Praise
Reaching 100
Doing a thing
Being in community
Being alone
Saying words
Sending then up to the heavens Imperfect
But we were here

Be were here
And what an everything it was