Gretchen Jude

2024: 100 thousand praises

Title: “One hundred k [days] x [seconds]”

Instructions: Over 100 days, record 100 notes (found or sounded) of random duration between 1-10 seconds per note. Use the recorded notes to compose a 100-second ‘song’. No words, just sonic fragments melded into a fixed audio piece.

Epigraph for 2024 realization:

“I put this moment here. I put this moment here. I put this moment over here.... Holding all the love that waits for you here.... Come over here to where when lingers, waiting in this empty world... for now does ride in on the curl of the wave.” – Kate Bush, “Jig of Life” (1985)

Recorded in Paris, Berlin, Amsterdam, Ghent; Niigata, Japan; Lakeview, Montana & Salt Lake City, Utah (spring – fall 2023)

Composed in Salt Lake City, Utah (winter 2024)

Premier (by kind invitation) on Leap Day (February 29) 2024 at La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club, New York, NY, as part of our One Hundred Thousand Praises project