Br. Christian

2023: Imbolc


A candle / flickering
lights the way / to a darkness of the soul / of the spirit
of the flesh / of the heart dazzling / dark
burning / the corneas
that dare / to see God.

That candle / a living torch
aflame / with Spirit
why not become / all flame? hands raised to Heaven / in prayer in pleading / in praise

No one can see / the darkness No one can see / the light
No one can see / the living God except / the living God

and those He / She / They gives eyes / to see.

Bees work all their lives / to be burned Saints give their lives / to be burned
to be crushed / to be ground
like wheat / like oil

like wine / like water
like blood / and bone
slipping between the teeth / of the lions
to pool on the ground / to fall on the ground what is not / crushed
and torn /by the living teeth
and swallowed / by their thirst.

Smoke rises / to the sky
wax to flame / flame to smoke
as the work of our hands / the work of the bees is burned / its burning a prayer.

Let the work of the bees / go up
Let the work of our hands / go up
Let the fruit of the earth / go up
Let the fruit of the vine / go up
Let the kidneys and the shoulder / go up Let the dung and the fat / go up

Burned outside the camp / burned within the camp Burned in the tent / burned in the Tabernacle
Let our selves / go up
Living candles / all flame

Sometimes the altar must be prepared / here for the Fire to come down / there.

Make of your life / a living sacrifice A sacri/fice
A sacred / making
A making / sacred

Make sacred / your life
Your life / is a making
of sanctity / of holiness
Be holy / as the Lord your God Is / Holy

You are / Holy
You are / Sacred For He / She / They has made / You Sacred / Holy
a Life / a House

And You will live / in the House of the Lord Forever / and ever
Amen / Alleluia