Lim Mui

2024: 100 thousand praises

[text for cards]

small buds, a drooping rose yellowed pinks, a bright bright red alive in the winter chill.
buds still budding
whole perfect rose
almost frozen
not dying

hot grains of sand
warm souls of feet
held by a world of tiny rocks nature's socks hold you so you can be long amid ocean air-- or fall (in shade)
this sun drenched world
will carry you.

perfect cup of tea
perfect cup of coffee
perfect cause you made it exactly now for yourself. or for somebody.
or somebody for you.
can and will cure most "can't do it's"

sky sky sky
expansive upper space
blue BLUE
clouds embellished by rays clouds thick and at times peculiar golds, sometimes lavender sunsets, sunrises

light a candle open a portal spirit wiggles room romances

O to the non human creatures fury hard slime no legs, too many winged, underwater never seen before smarter than i

cause no one needs to know expression expressed out now, express again, out mind without

without inhibition pure presence know only play
and laugh and cry no, know no society.

life as in water good glorious water first healer provider, mother cleanser
sacred necessity

a good hug
long and full
let me hold you in appreciation surrender

oh holy sun
wipe my worry
sprinkle light
shadow peels and frays make truth shine

ancestors lay
in center of mountain speak by wind
great dense mass holds history untold

to find a feather
or a feather finds you

our own organism ecosystem, brain to-- bound by delicate skin eyes absorb
breath let go
brain to body align stretch, i am

O soul
who knows, endures
admires flood and easy paths who is rhythm amid song and inescapable impulse
to create

for children
their pure god essence streams rush tender being always eager laugh
sad is sad
and done

sacred council
of self without other.
to continue living, without wholly reckoning of love complete by grief

17. vulnerability clouds

surrender to soft effortlessness ease

sword in stone commitment to respond Self calling
brave enough to act

the sacrifice, the harvest
commune over mouth and belly satiation first fire pit ritual
eat together.
survive then live

spirit spotted
in a glimpse of joy
simple, forgotten
if crystallized, memory stored worth more than matters
in gold

perception of color
infinite spectrum
nature's artistry
one room one color
how many variant interpretations?

let me tell you how i feel with carefully chosen groups of words
let me tell you a story
can i instruct you?
words edged
what we do
what we'd do

subconscious terrain dream and mind
push tides by lunar light

cold changeable rock holy devout flying stone listen a deep
ingested holocene

mid forest breath bright mind supple language absent quiet thoughts boundless space open

sweet, wondrous pillow mattress of dreams surrender to dark
to heal
days drift away as portals open
non body flight

bury me
in her manna plunge my soles worm N roots regulation of feelings N brains immerse body
in dirt

i was a willow
you a birch
we loved one another below
how high
cause how deep
liberty in our wood
song in our rustle
we embodied
principle of being, living life

who is the largest of them all?

Pinocchio knows converting carbon saving sky from sea sacred lungs

divine feces

witness eagle
sign of Great Spirit G,O.D. god.
truth electrify heart mental mystery charge inside illuminated
by remembering
good open dawn.

at the window silent wings wait you don't know when you'll know her wisdom, vast in subtle nature at edge of void faith
there is faith
swoop N kill world deception beckon owl

dear mushroom
teach me how to exist
in a cynical world
show me the sporadic art of regeneration among decay
exemplify organic duty
so i may humbly follow
your alchemy of medicine post-unholy

dear ancient moss
tiny retainer of life
mighty rootlessness resilience in delicate form soften stone, you nomadic provider

O to take in light and shadow O to perceive
to blink to read

to observe, look, and find praise shape to story

Great Mystery.
underbelly of Sun god
god too, Moon
the one inexplicable
the one who is blackhole and womb the one who beckons shadow evolution rhythm in dormancy, sans effort ultimate creator

dear story
stretch us beyond the walls of solo perception interweave the me to past future collective presence no lesson like the one imperceivably digested covert truth
fantasy grandize heart

praise palms
pressed together, open
a palm full of soil
sockets of affection
may i know you through my palms?

dear feet
tendrils of soul humbly carry regulate whole walk miles ad still step into dance

envision future
informed by heart, hope persevere beyond current ache stewards of land proceed

speak to listen
to touch to feel
to see to be witnessed

recognize self, spirit outside in another

seed to tree
changing tides of the sea hot water to tea
walk 5000 miles
be different and same being
here to slip
and rise again

non physical contract pour your confidence i can be a buttress
a pinky promise
a secure glance
a trusting place
away from aloneness

does praise exist among pain? suffering?
snake shedding
O praise the dressing wound praise safe place in dark
heal enough till will is found again

O how earth mother tended and we listened tend listen?
god instilled in animism ginko renewal mind chamomile sedate ancient cure
plant wisdom

portals in the night sky collections suggest galactic gateways towards spirit self great mystery's myths

await in silent sparkling mischievous space

O to be love in sea the epic of our planet tangible endlessness depths unknown arise our shadows break crash
splash liberations may be

a path
a road
to a place
a destination
a sidewalk
an edge of a river
wind and slope
O can't help, but transverse unconscious crises further further furtherance!

O spark
O flame
O fire
will spirit will
praise purpose, knowing press creative pulse
O to know O to act

start at nose
move to gut
slowly out
what if an exhale removed the pain? an inhale cleared all?

waking that morning
to a land of white
windows edged and glistening so pure, cold and soft
did we transport to a cloud? eyes glint with a sparkle

magic of peace heaven dropped snow flakes

the smell after rain leaves emit gratitude soil sips and sighs stones almost plush the smell of dew
air moistens
no more tough

the connector vision, perception expansion
it's the bridge who sews the stories makes ground
out of air
disturb dissonance

O to still hope
to still be
to remain and
linger in formless expect another breath another sunrise
a lighter presence

we cry
and cry
and cry
and begin
shed and empty locate self in
ritual of all ritual purge of becoming we must and we do cry

that song who rearranges blue gloom slices off lethargic fats

sprays doom with
a sparkling skin flutters
or let's it out in
big bang head bangs
praise those songs that cure

O to be in body relinquish mind obey impulse inside ego unwelcome in melody body bond O to dance
to feel alive

the time a part of me died in meditation
in mourning
in birth
in love
in the dark
in light

when divine reverberates into another and returns to me when i metabolize you as me as all
i choose to believe divine
to submit to love

music plays as mirepoix steams senses rich, fires lit, dishes clink taste tests and fingers doughed
a cooking kitchen is anyone's home

spirit reminds
when frequencies match thoughts physicalize
"you were just on my mind" and here you are
walking into present
on perfect mystic time

praise the egoless, the selfless praise selfless acts

praise only knowing one as whole praise instinctual sacrifice

praise the builder
before and now
for hands who sculpted countless rooms for bodies who construct bridges
dig up sewage systems

O spring
the essence of you in name liberate lonely bones
feed warmth to breeze
time marked by flowers blossoming and nature's ring to coital
what's defrosting?

sweat dripping vitality an urgency, a quick call bodies touching
it's all possible out there under a fierce sun
and hot night

dear ancestors
stewards of original mother
you pay attention to spirit
you commune with each plant
animal and i sit in a cafe attached to a machine
ancestor consciousness, ancestor all knowing
how many minutes, seconds can i emulate your presence your way?

praise be the artist
spider, creator
webber of emotional debris
spiritual urge funnels
no wrong can exist
when one commits to precious truth

open me

close me
an entrance
a unlocked locked an exit a welcome
the liminal juncture
to somewhere freedom shelter

oh holy spots, inside violet light
heated palms mysterious ideations frequency of healing magical state
no trying

stretched enough to accept it's time
time is surrender accept change
let go enough
to grasp
root of being

sloppy giddy
splattered scattered
reason a meaningless business bless messes
expulsion of whatever
people watch and never remember fantastic blur

to be the container receptive, holding vessel empty
you can grow inside

dear ghosts
wander behind
tickle below
season now with other, past

mute arrogance guile naiveté keep wonder

step after step awareness ajar
to fine details
alive on this planet on this day
in this time
on this walk
never quite this way exactly again

smell of sage aflame cedar muster hope soften brooding rosemary remembers holy wood bless engage and ground avenger ease
light assistance sacred fumes reorder

giddy tug
of desire
carnal hunger dine on life
meet and regulate thrills of devil
only date

rise, tear
her crust
her fluff
body takes form
by nourishing hands

of earth mother
in your grip a rock

radiates peace protection energizes heart

this power of love
god's sakes
live in repeated numbers patterns and seeing two falcons twice in two days
tstate of heavenly cognition superb praise when
suddenly all air
is made of

under the sea
mystic undulations stoke sensual
spells fishy
girly pleasure
sonar gossip
can't you see?
it's a game, not a race

just that sweater
from i forget where from uncle scott
the one who makes you you out match
inside just comfort
in that sweater

dear bearer of my body soul praise be the gestation inside the nourishment thereafter

or lack, or complicated or loss
how does the mother live in me?
how do i tend to the growth of another? and me? how can
me mother me?

what's over rainbow waiting?
what vision mounts star
in your eyes, plants a sun
in heart? what feeds the joyous why?

praise be nature in human that commits
activate the disciple
no rampant thinking simple

the book who transports
me to another world on the subway
the book who reminds me i am
but a peck in the glitch of time
the book who rooted me in another's history the book who soothes, entertains,
retruths, rearranges neurons
subtly matures scope

supple enough to engage
to invite
outer meet inner feel oneness different together

cold feet put in socks

O praise performer the performance enveloped in drums throat cords something divine immerse us by being immersed drag and emotions make believe true
in surrender we trust

eyes sunken in eyes soul door opens information
without explanation no description

the lyrics to this song:
"well, i don't believe in fate
i believe in destiny
my destiny is swerving in the road in front me, drunkenly when you take responsibility for your own divinity
true love is not magic
it's certainty
and what comes after certainty?"
by Bill Callahan
praise this song today
so ultimately always
for this moment always

praise be resilience
the revolution
communal heart chanting rapture of refusal
of what stricken
who blunders any life
as not precious

i wrote you a haiku
every day we spent apart
i'd travel far, it reached 73
the note got erased somehow
maybe it's still on your phone
did you bring the 521 syllables with you into infinity? can you at least find them there?

we planted a tree when i was 10, maybe 11
you comment on it's height, every time
"a tree we picked out in walmart, and look at it now. the tallest in the driveway."

you've lost so many trees
birches, apples
some of the birches still dead in the ground but this tree from walmart loves to grow here

you lose your glasses
you forget your purse
you encourage strangers to acknowledge their light too busy shining
too busy lighting stars
sometimes it's hard
being a sensitively alive
blossomed flower

first sleep in clean sheets

that dismal drizzly day
you chose disco, donna summer french toast
candles and a bubble bath
a horror movie to end
that day you chose joy

time away
from the noise, media dribble new friends, family
and all:
closed till further notice

the person who knows you
cause they loved you as a baby
they soaped you in a sink
and tricked you into making them pb and j's they held you in trembling cries
now you reconfigure their tremble
hold space for them

unconditional companion wet cold nose
nudge on your skin greeting by a head bump and body rub

the voicemail of a wobbly voice you'll never hear live again. the note they left you in that book you won't finish.
the tiny bit of your smell i'll one day spray to empty.
your eyes in mine, the way your hand felt--
o praise my will to remember

what makes a city
what makes a town
architecture, nightlife
that one diner with a checkered sign street food, cows, walking barefoot
a waterfall, the driving
a skyline, the people, a cinnamon bun or maybe just separate memories collectively felt and collected