Eric Kupers/Wandering Ensemble

2024: 100 thousand praises

Wandering Ensemble’s Praise Ritual for Inclusive Community

The Wandering Ensemble is a fusion of Dandelion Dancetheater and the CSU East Bay Inclusive Interdisciplinary Ensemble that came together at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic to share resources, energy, and community creativity.

In spring of 2020 we embarked on a 40-year creation process to collaboratively develop an inclusive performance work called Wandering in the Wilderness, inspired by the Torah story of the Jewish People spending 40 years in the desert after escaping slavery in Mitzrayim--wandering and giving time to the process of unlearning old ways in order to move into a new way of living together.

We have a core movement phrase and song collage to add into the cauldron of this praise project. We perform the ritual of this song/movement structure multiple times a year, during each year of our 40-year project. Everyone has their own unique way of engaging with the material. Each has their own ways to praise inclusive, creative community.

The song brings together traditional and not-so-traditional adaptations of folk songs to be sung together in community; once all together and the second time in a 3-part round. The movement phrase that accompanies the song contains around 55 movements, depending on how you’re counting. Our vision is to share this video of a bunch of people doing these 55 movements twice (110 movements per person) and then to ask those of you that are willing to dance and sing along with us, adding thousands of movements to the praise generator.

Here is our current video of the Wandering Ensemble’s many praises (currently clocking in at 4,510):

Special thanks to Wandering Ensemble collaborators who participated in this praise ritual’s multiple layers: Alex, Anna, Andrew, Bonnie, Caity, Chrissy, Dorine, Eric, Ivey, Jamilan, Leo, Lindsey, Maggie, Marley, Michael, Nataly, Raven, Saúl, Tavarius, Yesenia, and you!

If you’d like to practice the movements and song ahead of time, here’s an instructional video:

Words to the song are below.

You are also welcome to use our ensemble’s primary approach (the fake-it-til-you-make-it technique) and just do the movements along with the video in the moment. If you pretend you already know the movements, and then just soften your gaze and sense of perfectionism, you might be able to tap into a kind of intuitive-knowing-field in sync with the larger group, and perform this along with us the first time you encounter it. The main ingredient is feeling a sense of acceptance of our vast human diversity and then connecting to all the others doing this ritual on screen and in person, across multiple times.

More info on the Wandering Ensemble is here.

Queer Bird Hay Ho

Dear Friend, Queer Friend

Let me tell you how I am feeling

You have given me such pleasure

I love you so

Oh poor bird

Take thy flight

High above the shadows

of this dark night

Hay ho, nobody home

No meat, no drink, no money have I none

Still I will be merry.

Hay ho, nobody home

No meat, no drink, no money have I none

Still I will be merry.

Hay ho, nobody home

No meat, no drink, no money have I none

Still I will be merry.