Rachel Jendrzejewski

2024: 100 thousand praises

10/24/23 – one hundred dry yellow orange brown pink green red leaves

10/25/23 – one hundred experiments in dance, togetherness, structure, relationality, mini eclairs

10/26/23 – one hundred conversations passing through bodies through screens through bodies

10/27/23 – one hundred intentions, words lacking, body asking again for sleep

10/28/23 – one hundred tiny gestures mostly imperceptible, but holding everything up

10/29/23 – one hundred people making something fast, or light, or meaningful

10/30/23 – one hundred cracks that we fill with gold through practice

10/31/23 – one hundred costumes because we need this mode of imagining

11/1/23 – one hundred patterns disrupted, rearranged, dropped into another place, outstretching

11/2/23 – one hundred muscles telling you what, cuts repairing themselves, stages

11/3/23 – one hundred ways a situation could shake out; narrative conversation

11/4/23 – one hundred choices which are stars which are constellations forming

11/5/23 – one hundred books, shades of red light, slices of apple

11/6/23 – one hundred checked boxes, broken down boxes, made up boxes

11/7/23 – one hundred laps around, attempts, ways to reach around, hold

11/8/23 – one hundred times on repeat, Köln Concert, being with, now

11/9/23 – one hundred ways to take a deep breath (do it)

11/10/23 – one hundred times one hundred ways to interact, to participate

11/11/23 – one hundred new sounds, hours of preparation, contexts to unravel

11/12/23 – one hundred things to remember, like preparing for a trip

11/13/23 – one hundred lilies, marigolds, thistles, lemons, poppy seeds, pearls, lions

11/14/23 – one hundred cycles yes, turns out routines, or maybe practices

11/15/23 – one hundred small sounds to tune into, to respond to

11/16/23 – one hundred reminders of why, who, how, here, with, again

11/17/23 – one hundred baby steps, browser refreshes, reminders to look out

11/18/23 – one hundred moment by moment cartwheels, downward facing (cats), windmills

11/19/23 – one hundred sunflowers, bat orchids, willows, red stones, oranges, lemons

11/20/23 – one hundred stretches of silence, of real talk, of locomotion

11/21/23 – one hundred increments of one hundred drafts in verbal pieces

11/22/23 – one hundred remnants, reminders, question marks, plans, revisions, contingencies, periods

11/23/23 – one hundred ways to zoom out, ways to look in

11/24/23 – one hundred shifts, starting with inhale, exhale, heat, water, intuition

11/25/23 – one hundred herbs cooked into tea, organic carrots, unison moves

11/26/23 – one hundred glances over, consistent confirmations, soft like rabbit fur

11/27/23 – one hundred words from Diane Seuss, fruits of labor, refund

11/28/23 – one hundred small dominoes, large wingspans, small tremors, large trust

11/29/23 – one hundred descriptions which is to say attempts approximations placeholders

11/30/23 – one hundred replacements, distractions, shiny crystalline widely accepted red herrings

12/1/23 – one hundred emails to send, reminders to self, new sheets

12/2/23 – one hundred winter parties, ways to say yes, fiascos, preparations

12/3/23 – one hundred shades of red, possible arrangements, knee feelings, landmarks

12/4/23 – one hundred balancing acts, reasons to turn, mountain lions appearing

12/5/23 – one hundred sweetnesses, one hundred seconds of being with, stillness

12/6/23 – one hundred steps adding up to one hundred tiny bells

12/7/23 – one hundred more than is actually possible; one hundred one

12/8/23 – one hundred pathways, options for yes, things one will miss

12/9/23 – one hundred ripples through space, time, people in unexpected places

12/10/23 – one hundred less minutes like powdered sugar dissolving disappearing clearing

12/11/23 – one hundred delays because time is being collapsed, skipped, stretched

12/12/23 – one hundred steps more because we shouldn’t sleep yet, plus—

12/13/23 – one hundred ways to interact with a knowingly charged door

12/14/23 – one hundred steps cars trains farewells reunions lights in windows

12/15/23 – one hundred together with portal passage early sunset bookmark ballet

12/16/23 – one hundred shades of green amidst winter; lighting extra candles

12/17/23 – one hundred feathers spices high notes long looks silver kisses

12/18/23 – one hundred extra minutes, slugs, sweets, real life rehearsals, surrealities

12/19/23 – one hundred tiny sparks long walks vegetables scattered showers drops

12/20/23 – one hundred ways to be activated, active, doing, making, on

12/21/23 – one hundred solstice restarts, solstice dreams, solstice walks, solstice messages

12/22/23 – one hundred extra early dark mornings, irregular shapes, crowds, turns

12/23/23 – one hundred fiascos, clocks full of ones, water, power, heat

12/24/23 – one hundred verbs, in a kind of portmanteau continuously expanding

12/25/23 – one hundred small parts accumulating within an hour, year, generation

12/26/23 – one hundred spaces between, pauses, rests, speculation for six months

12/27/23 – one hundred single nights in five towns in one city

12/28/23 – one hundred miles, steps, entanglements, departures, arrivals, falling eyelids content

12/29/23 – one hundred cat naps, naps with cats, every three weeks

12/30/23 – one hundred drops of Calle, freezing rain, moon facts, winks

12/31/23 – one hundred chariots, one hundred asteroids, one hundred worn threads

1/1/24 – one hundred covered over, drifting through, driving with, left after

1/2/24 – one hundred needles, grains of wild rice, twists, language lessons

1/3/24 – one hundred waves, truths, efforts, failures, leftovers, small steps, promises

1/4/24 – one hundred full circles, soft landings, distant dots, present returns

1/5/24 – one hundred muscles activating, cups of tea, modes of attention

1/6/24 – one hundred retracings of footsteps, routes, habits, where to put—

1/7/24 – one hundred faint sounds, head turned left, hands on chest

1/8/24 – one hundred bits of star dust doesn’t matter look beyond

1/9/24 – one hundred go go rest go go rest rest rest

1/10/24 – one hundred ingredients, words, spellings, possible avenues, possible bedtime rituals

1/11/24 – one hundred before any other words, any other numbers, any

1/12/24 – one hundred revolutions, slow endings (watch them), voice dictation notes

1/13/24 – one hundred images only, future as present, low light, declaring

1/14/24 – one hundred signs you can’t ignore; maybe nephology, maybe nubivagant

1/15/24 – one hundred years inside a box inside a space underneath

1/16/24 – one hundred sensations, sensational satiated same sign same thing something

1/17/24 – one hundred views of a heart, small talk, student learning

1/18/24 – one hundred characters rearranging replacing like a puzzle like soup

1/19/24 – one hundred people asking name, date of birth; pattern types

1/20/24 – one hundred days in pajamas, meteorology, white bean soup, balancing

1/21/24 – one hundred pauses in time, sleep cycles, fog cycles, kale

1/22/24 – one hundred returns to center, what you know is under

1/23/24 – one hundred dials turned back down; wild rice, sweet potatoes

1/24/24 – one hundred false starts, resets, long views, banks, drives, drafts

1/25/24 – one hundred shredded papers, possible yeses, epsom salts, mason jars

1/26/24 – one hundred (how many more) black beans, fip radio, salt

1/27/24 – one hundred bundled up waterproof electric amplified night glow remember

1/28/24 – one hundred (how to possibly) for now wood, sawdust, math

1/29/24 – one hundred ducks lining up, wandering, eventually getting there, gliding

1/30/24 – one hundred steps before you get to what you meant

1/31/24 – one hundred gaps between poses words vertebrae teeth time zones