eclipse to eclipse/spring
There was a solar eclipse on 4/30/22, followed by a lunar eclipse a couple of weeks later on 5/15/22.
Friend Rae Diamond offers –
the idea of eclipses as interruptions/interference
in the cyclical experience of light on Earth...
light being a metaphor for awareness and understanding.
Eclipse windows are times when, having a break
from our usual cycles of thought, some new way of understanding
and experiencing ourselves/everything-else can emerge.
Deepening commitment to one’s true values
engenders beneficial metamorphosis.
Let’s do that, then. Here’s a collective exercise.
Commit two weeks to compassionate noting. In particular, note changes. This is in support of a theme: Changed-for-Changing
We allow the acute, the keen in us, that which we use to reach and touch (to nurse, to prosecute) to magnify and change us into more and more alert change agents, that we may know better how to be of use to anti-wars. This activity includes the proposition that reaching itself is useful, in that it is charged with life, and the future we desire is as full of desire for us, in the present, fully alive.
Eclipse and eclipse are parentheses around vivid attention. We engage with the two-week interim as a lamp for finding, firming, bearing witness.
Render the changes you note as zuihitsu – lists built to cause surprise through a mix of surprise and variety.
Lists to build an archive against erasure. Lists to avow change remains possible despite static fascism expressed wherever property is asserted over process. Lists to serve the promise art made in us to make us, us.
Shiela Callaghan
the Seven by Anne Sexton (erasure by Sheila Callaghan)
Erik Ehn
Golden Shovels
Kristen Palmer